
We’re not so frequent in here as its usually enough for us to manage Instagram in-between all assignments. But I thought since we’ve been working on a lot of prints lately that at least that should be seen in here too.

Our idea is that in combination with selling prints to different brands we would now like to include prints on some of our own products. They are not going to be clothes but it will be on fabric and most likely mainly for kids 🙂

Wait and see!

We’ve had some new requests too that we’ll hope we’ll be able to show you soon. But in the meantime, please follow us on printstudioandyellow if you want to see more of our prints.

This one, the blue African Leo was part of a presentation. We sold some other goodies but not this one so I thought I might just as well show it to you.

This is usually roughly how we might present our prints. A colour chart. the prints them selfs and how they can be put together. Like a mini look book. What do you think?

Tomorrow its easter holiday time for us here so we wanna take the chance to wish you a lovely Happy Easter!!

This collection is from SS18 for Åhlund kidswear. A collection very dear to my (Joannas) heart as its inspired from a trip together with my kids to the Asian jungle where we in the middle of a mangrove jungle bumped in to a huge pack of wild monkeys. We were happy to have a guide with us at that time. However, most of the monkeys seemed really friendly and curious as they were swinging around us.

We’re now looking in to SS20 and for a few days now we’ve been in Paris and to the global fashion industry fare, Premier vision, held 2 times a year. PV is showing all the seasons new fabrics, prints, fashion and colour trends. You also get to see new inventions like interactive garments or fabric made from plastic waste from the sea. Our purpose with going there was to see if PV might be a good forum for us to exhibit our prints next season. Apart from PV we enjoyed getting inspired by sucking in some Parisian atmosphere. Not so much looking in shops but more so getting a change of scenery, looking at street art, people and eating good food.

Its important for us that the inspiration comes as much as possible from within, from things happening in and around our own lives that feels important to us but that’s still relevante for others. We try and not to look to fashion for inspiration, it has an impact on us whether we want to our  not.

Really and truly most of our print inspo for SS20 has come from a trip to Australia that me (joanna) did a while back where spring and summer is a constant.Among other themes we’re looking into the oceans “rainforest”, the large barrier reefs and their impact on mother natures well being.

As designers part of or work has always been travelling. Can’t say that we are proud to have traveled by air to get inspired to lift the problem with climate change. Climate compensation and change of habits next.


På Stockholm Furniture & Light Fair för att titta på nyheter – nya produkter, nya material, ny kunskap, nya trender, nya miljöer och nya tekniska lösningar. Vi har särskilt fokus denna gång på aktivitetsbaserade kontorsmiljöer och hållbarhet. Mycket fina lösningar på hur man skapar en bra miljö som man mår bra av att jobba i. Mycket ljudisolerade kuber och inramande rum i rummen. Många lyfter också fram hållbarhetsaspekten mer och mer. Mycket bra att de producerande företagen har vaknat men det går att göra så mycket mer. Vi blir mer och mer kunniga och kräsna. Därför är det roligt att se de företag som tar hållbarhet och återvinning ett steg längre, t ex NCP:s stol S1500 som görs av återvunna fisknät i liten norsk stad i samarbete med den lokala fiskerinäringen och stålproducenter som gör benen. Rena material med lång livslängd.

Trender då? Fortfarande mycket natur och dammiga pasteller och brända toner som gäller. Mycket mörka träslag, hantverkskänsla, taktila och textila material. Det är fortfarande stilrent och skandinaviskt, men roligt att se dem som tar ut svängarna, bryter normen och myser till det. Vad kommer framöver? Vi tror att det blir än mer arbetade material, t ex arbetade och unika detaljer som står ut med hantverk i fokus.



Nytt år och nya spännande uppdrag. Under hösten har vi jobbat med teknikkonsultföretaget Rejlers, som ska flytta till nya lokaler i flera delar av Sverige. Frågan vi fick var “Hur skapar man en miljö som ger wow-känsla och som man samtidigt mår bra av att jobba i?” Vi inledde jobbet med workshop och analys, arbetade fram mood boards och inredningsförslag och det hela landade tillslut i en inredningsmanual för Rejlers Sverige. Nästa steg blir att omsätta denna i praktik under året. Det ser vi fram emot!

Efter en hektisk höst tar vi nu lite ledig för att umgås med nära och kära och äta riktigt gott. Tillbaka igen i full fart den 7 januari.